My Passion from being a small child has always been travel.I am never far away from a map or guide book looking where i would like to explore next . Whether it be a caravan holiday in England or Back packing in Vietnam. I have been very lucky as being in travel for over 30 years I have visited many places in the world.

From India, Thailand, China, Vietnam, Dubai, Abu dubai, Sri Lanka, The Maldives, Mauritius, Bali in the East to Hawaii America and the Caribbean in the west and as far as Lapland in the North .Even travelled round Israel in different Kibbutz .Also many European Beach holidays especially Greece and city destinations .Not only have I stayed in luxury hotels been on cruises and have also experienced backpacking and travelling the economical way. I also love exploring the UK with my husband and my two dogs.And again staying in hotels, log cabins, cottages or even boating holidays . So with the wide range of knowledge I have over the years I have a lot of information and advice that I can give you to help you personalise your dream holiday !!

What year did you start in travel?


What's your favourite destinaton?

I love Asia Thailand has to be my favourite


My dream holiday is

Road trip to Canada then Alaskan Cruise .

My last holiday was

Croatia and Montenegro

My next holiday is

Parga in Greece